Capturing Beautiful Sunset Photographs

sunset over townIf you are new to the world of photography, sunsets and sunrises may seem impossible to capture. The colors that we want to see often appear washed out when we hit the shutter button. If you are in Scotland, you do not want to take a chance on it. You need to know what will matter the most when it comes to capturing a beautiful sunset photograph. Luckily, it is easier than you may expect.

Plan and Plan Again

scotland sunsetsCapturing a sunset photo can be pure luck. This is not always the case, though. Most often, you will want to plan where to get the best view of your sunset before it begins. Choose places that allow you to see a lot of sky. Changing colors only last a few minutes. You will also want to consider choosing a place with silhouettes. They are also great in pictures.

Use Your Tripod

closeup sunsetWhen photographing sunsets, especially with a long shutter speed, you want to ensure your camera remains still. This is also true if you want the longer focal lengths. You may also consider using manual focus to keep the shots nice and crisp.

Be Careful

This may seem strange, but the sun can seriously hurt your eyes if you are not playing it safe. Whether you are using a magnifying lens or simply taking a wider photograph using a wide lens, looking directly at the sun can cause damage.

Take a LOT of Photos

sunset photographsDuring the 30 minutes of a sunset, the sky will change constantly. You will want to capture it all to make sure you get the most beautiful photo possible. You should also look around yourself. In some cases, the most beautiful shots will be the colors that are farther away from the sunset.